A Concise Grammar of Feorran
Feorran is a language of the Ross Group of the Antarctic
Language Family. Previous descriptions of it have focused on
particular aspects of its grammar without attempting to offer a
comprehensive study. This work presents a descriptive grammar of
the language based upon fieldwork undertaken in 1995-96. Also
included are concise lexicons, both Feorran to English and
English to Feorran, folktales in Feorran with analysis, and a
brief ethnographic sketch.
This work was funded in part by the American Science
Foundation (ASF Grant:#94-184061); by a grant from the Graduate
Student Research Fund of Northern Indiana University; and by a
grant from the Antarctic Studies Trust Fund. I am grateful to
each of these for their support.
I wish to thank my advisors, Frederic W. Gleach, Greg
Anderson, and Mary Swinson. Without their advice, this work
could not have been done. I also wish to thank the United States
Navy for their generous support at McMurdo Station. I want to
express my gratitude to the government of New Zealand for giving me
permission to work with the Tôlte. I cannot
fail to thank my many friends in the Tôlte nation,
especially the Shaman Soqhai. All errors are my own.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Phonology
- Morphology:Introduction
- Nominal Morphology
- Pronominal Morphology
- Verbal Morphology
- Morphology: Miscellaneous
- Uninflected Word Classes
- Syntax (Incomplete)
- Texts (Not yet posted.)
- Lexicon: Feorran-English
- Lexicon: English-Feorran
- Ethnographic Sketch of the
- Works Cited
Abbreviations Used;
- Abs Absolute Case
- Adj Adjective
- Adv Adverb
- be_sw be somewhere, satus
- CON Conjunction
- COR Correlative pronoun
- DET Determiner or Article
- E Epenthetic vowel or consonant
- Gen Genitive Case
- Ipf Imperfect aspect
- Imp Impotential
- Intj Interjection
- MDL Modal
- Neg Negative Mode
- NP Noun Phrase
- NPP Negative, Postpotential, Perfect
- Pf Perfect aspect
- Pl Plural
- Pos Positive mode
- Pot Potential
- Pst Postpotential
- Ppf Preperfect aspect
- PPP Positive, Postpotential, Perfect
- Pre Prepositional Case
- PREP Preposition
- rap. Rapid intensity root
- RDP Reduplication
- Rel Relative Case
- Sg Singular
- Sbj Subjunctive mode
- SPP Subjunctive, Postpotential, Perfect
- Sup Superior Comparison
- VP Verb Phrase
- 1s first person, singular pronoun
- 1pl first person, plural pronoun
- 2s second person, singular pronoun
- 2pl second person, plural pronoun
- 3as third person, animate singular pronoun
- 3is third person, inanimate singular pronoun
- 3ap third person, animate plural pronoun
- 3ip third person, inanimate plural pronoun
- 4as fourth person, animate singular pronoun
- 4is fourth person, inanimate singular pronoun
- 4ap fourth person, animate plural pronoun
- 4ip fourth person, inanimate plural pronoun
N.B.Absolute case is not usually indicated in singular
nominal examples because it is zero-form.
Feorran is one of 16 known members of the Antarctic Family of
languages. Three of the others are now extinct and in each case,
little more than a few words were recorded (Burrows 1953).
Feorran belongs to a branch of the family called Ross Languages
in reference to their proximity to the Ross Ice Sheet.
Feorran is the first of the Ross languages to be described and
only the 6th of the Antarctic languages to receive a full scale
description. Feorran is spoken by the Tôlte tribe who
number about 1200. They primarily live in Victoria Land but
range far up and down the coast. Feorran is the name outsiders
have given to the language, the Tôlte themselves have no
name for it and the word itself only means 'speaking clearly,
understandably'. The language has no clear cut dialectal
differences. The nearest thing one finds to dialects are the
rare differences noted between the various bands. It has been
speculated the Fission-Fusion societies common to Antarctica tend
to depress linguistic drift, despite often great distances
between speakers (Swinson 1981). Despite their low number of
speakers, no Antarctic language is endangered today. All are
spoken by primarily monolingual populations that have little
contact with the outside world.
The present classification of the Antarctic Language Family
(after Anderson 1992, and with estimated number of speakers in
- Western Antarctic Sub-Family
- Penninsular languages
- Marti (1000)
- Jalel (1500)
- Hereri (1300)
- Dheod (900)
- Ross languages
- Feorran (1200)
- Heron (850)
- Eastern Antarctic Sub-Family
- Queen Maudland languages
- Anhol (1100)
- Simle (1000)
- Quyuk (750)
- Zvar (1250)
- Wilkesland Languages
- Akwa (850)
- Mau (300)
- Faran (1000)
- Unclassified languages
- Ko (e., Antarctic Penninsula)
- Aliante (e., Wilkes Land)
- Idisa (e., Marie Byrd Land)
Feorran has the following phoneme inventories;
Stop and Fricative Consonants
VL |
VD |
N |
F2VL |
F2VD |
p |
b |
m |
f |
v |
t |
d |
n |
0 |
ð |
s |
z |
k |
g |
Liquids, Rhotics, and Semivowels
Liquids/Rhotics |
l |
r |
Semivowels |
w |
j |
h |
i |
ü |
u |
e |
o |
æ |
a |
I have used standard Antarctic orthography for this work which
results in the following substitutions from IPA;
- {q}=[
- {y}=[ü]
- {th}=[
- {dh}=[ð]
- {ä}=[æ]
- {ë}=[
- {ô}=[
Notes on phonology;
- Stops are not aspirated.
- A phonetic, but non-phonemic /
/ occurs /V_V and /#_V.
- [t,d,n] are dental, pronounced with the tongue against the
back of the upper teeth.
- Double consonants are clearly articulated twice, not simply
as a 'long' consonant.
Most, but by no means all, verb and nominal roots are
disyllabic. The most common syllable shapes are, CV, CVC, CVCV,
common are these; VC, VCC, CCV, CCVC, VCVCV, VCVCVC, VCCVC, and
CCVCCV. There are no limitations on which consonants may appear
as internal consonant clusters and it is universally the norm
that syllables split between internal consonant clusters. It
must be noted that Feorran treats the following diphthongs and
vocalic clusters as V in determining stem shapes; [ai], [au],
[ei], [eo], [iu]. Homonyms are rare but do occur. Nominal
homonyms are known that differ only in gender;
- ëmme 'one's own daughter', (an.)
- ëmme 'full moon', (in.)
- iltu 'expert', (an.)
- iltu 'thinness', (in.)
Root final clusters are not allowed, an epenthetic [i] being
inserted between the consonants. Root initial clusters
have limited distribution patterns and are relatively rare. The
following appear to be the only acceptable root initial clusters;
- [stop-vc]+ [s]
- [stop+vc]+ [z]
- [s]+ [stop-vc]
- [z]+ [stop+vc]
- [s]+[r]
The Question of Vocalic Harmony
Vocalic harmony remains a hotly debated topic for the Western
Antarctic languages. It certainly appears in the Eastern
Antarctic languages (Fubuki 1982) but Anderson was reluctant to
reconstruct it for Proto-Antarctic,
The question of vocalic harmony is cloudy for
PA because it appears as though there might
be two different types in operation. The
first requires that all vowels in a root be
front vowels, all front vowels + [a], or all
back vowels. A second type seems to require
all high vowels (or high vowels and [a]) or
all low vowels in any given root. Two such
conflicting systems raise questions as to the
possible epiphenominality of the whole
scheme. (Anderson 1992:147)
Feorran certainly looks as though it might retain remnants of
two such conflicting systems but it is safe to say that
Feorran does not now structure its roots purely according to the
dictates of vocalic harmony.
Feorran Morphology: An
All Feorran words and stems fall into one of three, clearly
differentiated, classes; verbs, nominals, and
particles. The latter class is a collecting place for
generally monosyllabic, non-inflecting words. Nominals may be
derived from verbal stems but apparently no verb is derived from
a nominal stem. Adjectives and adverbials derive from either
verbs or nominals. There are a few which appear to have no
parent form in Feorran but which have cognate verbs and nominals
in other Western Antarctic Languages, for that reason, I have
treated them as derived also.
Feorran is a moderately inflected language and inflections are
often essential to clear understanding and transmission of
information. It is also fairly regular. There are only a
handful of semi-irregular verbs and only two that are truly
irregular. All nominals are regular in their inflectional
patterns and a few rules concerning the appearance on gender
(actually animacy) cover 95% of all nominal stems.
Nominal Morphology
Feorran has 2 nominal declensions, Vocalic and
Consonantal, which as their names imply, have roots ending
either in vowels or in consonants. There are no apparent
restrictions on which vowels or which consonants may be be root
final. As noted below, each declension has its own set of case
Nominals are either of Animate or Inanimate
gender. Gender is not overtly marked but is indicated by the
choice of Article or Pronominal. Most animals,
birds, people, tools, and supernatural entities are animate
gender. Most non-living entities, abstract nouns, plants, and
sky/weather features are inanimate. There are
exceptions to the generalizations for both genders.
- star 'shaman' (inanimate)
- eomë 'wind demon' (inanimate)
- repnu 'bone hide scraper (inanimate)
- qytod 'driftwood' (animate)
- hëka 'meteor' (animate)
Active Participles (see below) used as nouns, are always
animate. Conversely, Passive Participles used as nouns are always
inanimate. A few nouns are known for which gender varies from
one band to another. Below are noted some cases where specific
clans have gender preferences in contrast to most speakers;
- tollan 'Trans-Antarctic Mountains' An for the Mosti
and Qytod bands.
- psikit 'snow petrel' In for Qytod, Kauwa, and Zoro
- dika 'eyelash' An for Kôzu, Lausi, and
Jôtku bands.
Nominals are inflected for 4 Cases and 2
Numbers. The cases are Relative, Absolute,
Genitive, and Prepositional. The numbers are
singular and plural. The two sets of inflections
are conflated together, i.e., there is, e.g., a Plural Genitive
case suffix or a Singular Relative case suffix.
Case And Number Marking
Voc.Sg. |
Voc.Pl. |
Cons.Sg. |
Cons.Pl. |
Relative |
-n |
-nta |
-an |
-e |
Absolute |
- |
-mei |
- |
-ë |
Genitive |
-q |
-k |
-az |
-irin |
Prepositional |
-lo |
-kyn |
-a |
-owë |
In the examples that follow, the Absolute case is marked for
The relative case is used for the subject of a
iu star- an omtan-i-s kätir.
DET shaman-Rel find- E-PPP meteorite-Abs
'The shaman found a meteorite.'
The absolute case used for the direct object of a
transitive verb or the subject of an intransitive verb.
eo lisa-n omtan-i-s le- q biti-mei
DET girl-Rel find- E-PPP 3as-Gen awl- AbsPl
'The girl found her awls.'
The genitive case is used to indicate ownership,
membership, or place of origin.
no aliup-az mosti- q
1s-Abs clan- Gen killer_whale-Gen
I am of the Killer Whale Clan
eo rukan-an kadu-s le- q bote
DET boy- Rel cut- PPP 3as-Gen food-Abs
'The boy cut his food.'
The prepositional case is used following prepositions.
It generally indicates locations, instruments, indirect objects
and beneficiaries.
eo lisa satu -s da mo iu gëspu-lo.
DET girl-Abs be_sw-PPP now in_structure DET lodge- Pre
'The girl is in the stonelodge now.'
Mass nouns generally do not have plurals. Several informants
accepted them but indicated they were not the usual manner of
speaking, most others rejected them out of hand.
- ëske 'snow'
- viuze 'seal blubber'
- leleo 'seal oil'
Unlike Feorran's Penninsular relatives (Anderson 1995:406),
Reduplication is rare as productive element of derivation. It is
occasionally used to indicate a collective group;
- kekemi ~ kekmi 'group of penguins', from
kemi, 'penguin'
- zezeoka ~ zeozka 'constellation', from
zeoka, 'star'
- alalta 'school of krill', from alta, 'krill'
As can be seen there is variation in the RDP process. This
is a dialectal feature. Some bands consistently chose one
pattern and some the other.
Nominal Derivational Suffixes
Feorran prefers to form new words by deriving them from
existing roots. A number of Nominal Derivational Suffixes are
attested. They are attached immediately after the root. They
may be attached to either verb or nominal roots to yield a new
nominal. The new nominal becomes either Vocalic or Consonantal
Declension as per the suffix. Gender of the derived nominal is
indicated by An=animate, In=inanimate.
- thi 'something made from X', An
- jem 'member or inhabitant of X', An
- pä 'collective', An
- ke 'place characterized by', In
- zi 'young of X, diminutive', An
- tei 'worthy of X', In
- ne 'nomen agentis', An
- toq 'nomen patientis', An
- jo 'nomen conceptualis' In, used to form abstract
- pol 'container for', An
- kei 'place of origin of X', In
- dhu 'piece of X', In
- ra 'nomen instrumentalis', An
- jin 'color of X', In
- fan 'forms collective nouns with numerals', An
Some examples;
- leleopol 'lamp oil reservoir', from leleo
'seal oil'
- lisazi 'little girl', from lisa 'girl'
- zunine 'hunter', from zunis 'hunt'
Nominal Compounding
Nominal compounds are relatively rare and are generally used
to refer to new elements in the Tôlte environment. When
two nouns are compounded in Feorran, they take the gender of
the initial root in the compound.
- lausihänte 'sailing ship' (whale+cloud), An
- sorarôrre 'whitemen' (man+ghost), An
- zëlënliuka 'dog', ('running'+'leopard
seal') An
- vërredhakaum 'glass', (ice+stone), In
When the root of the first ends in a vowel and the root of
the second begins in a vowel, the first root loses its final
- gônzatput 'steamship'
(gônzo+atputsmoke+carried), In
- '', (+ ''+'')
Personal Pronouns
Apparently all Antarctic languages use a 4 person pronoun
system (Moriarity 1962:45). Feorran has retained what may be the
system found in the proto-language with both 3rd and 4th persons
having animate and inanimate forms (Swinson 1967:142). The 3rd
and 4th persons occasionally cause some confusion. They both
refer to a 3rd person but differ in being 3rd person of 1st
reference and 3rd person of second reference. Feorran lacks a
reflexive pronoun and some uncertainty is avoided in this manner.
dhe-n teota-s ko.
3as-Rel kill- PPP 4as-Abs
'He killed him (i.e. someone else).'
dhe-n teota-s dhe
3as-Rel kill- PPP 3as-Abs
'He killed him(self).'
Feorran pronouns use the same case markings as nouns.
Complications arise because plural personal pronouns have
suppletive stems, all of which are consonant final whereas the
singular forms are vowel final. Thus, singular personal pronouns
use the Vocalic Declension singular case inflections and plural
personal pronouns use the Consonantal Declension plural case
Personal Pronouns
Singular |
Plural |
1 |
no |
nat |
2 |
pa |
pam |
3a |
dhe |
zeq |
3i |
le |
leon |
4a |
ko |
kam |
4i |
dy |
diuz |
As has been noted before, Feorran personal pronouns hint at an
underlying pattern of derivation but until further reconstructive
work is done the problem must remain unresolved (Moriarity
Correlative Pronouns
Correlative pronouns are formed by compounding simple nouns
with bound correlative element.
- on 'any-'
- fe 'every-, all-'
- ka 'no-'
- go 'some-'
- gë 'what-?'
- ziu 'who, which-' (relative pronoun equivalent)
The most common nouns used with these prefixes are
talan 'place, location', mërëk 'person',
zaq'thing', psin 'time, occasion, occurance',
nemi "cause, reason, excuse'. However, the prefixes may
be used with any noun or pronoun.
gë- sora-n zuni-s eo liuke- mei
COR-man- Rel hunt-PPP DET leopard_seal-AbsPl
'What man hunted the leopard seals?'
fe- leon-e jasu-s iu bote
COR-3p- RelPl eat- PPP DET food
'They all ate the food.'
Verbal Morphology
Most Feorran verbal roots fall into 4 classes based on ablaut
patterns. There is also a rare Class E with about 30 verbs in
it. With a few exceptions, the class is indicated by the
first vowel of the Moderate Intensity root. Ablaut
acts to form 4 additional roots from it, the Rapid
Intensity, the Slow Intensity, the Active
Participle, and the Passive Participle.
Verbal Ablaut Patterns
Mod.Int. |
Rap.Int. |
Slow Int. |
Act.Part. |
Pass.Part. |
Class A |
e |
i |
ë |
ë, -n |
e, -t |
Class B |
o |
u |
y |
o, -n |
o, -t |
Class C |
a |
ä |
ô |
eo, -n |
a, -t |
Class D |
eo |
ô |
au |
y, -n |
au, -t |
Class E |
i, u, y |
ô |
iu |
ô, -n |
iu, -t |
Note that the participles also require suffixing /-n/ or
/-t/. Below are examples of roots for each class (note, verbs
are shown in their standard citation form, Positive Mode,
Postpotential-Perfect, i.e. [-s]);
- Class A lepus 'scrape hides'
- lepus Moderate Intensity
- lipus Rapid Intensity
- lëpus Slow Intensity
- lëpun Active Participle
- leput Passive Participle
- Class B jomis 'sing'
- jomis Moderate Intensity
- jumis Rapid Intensity
- jymis Slow Intensity
- jomin Active Participle
- jomit Passive Participle
- Class C farras 'speak clearly, understandably'
- farras Moderate Intensity
- färras Rapid Intensity
- fôrras Slow Intensity
- feorran Active Participle
- farrat Passive Participle
- Class D teotas 'kill'
- teotas Moderate Intensity
- tôtas Rapid Intensity
- tautas Slow Intensity
- tytan Active Participle
- tautat Passive Participle
- Class E dyges 'become'
- dyges Moderate Intensity
- dôges Rapid Intensity
- diuges Slow Intensity
- dôgen Active Participle
- diuget Passive Participle
Participles are adjectives, adverbs and deverbal nouns. They
cover, in the case of the Active Participle, the ideas of doing X
and X-ing. The Passive Participle includes notions of being X-
ed, X-ed and so forth. Either may be used as a noun in which
case the Active is animate and the Passive is inanimate.
As noted, most Feorran verbs are regular in their ablaut
patterns. Only 17 verbs are now known that are irregular in one
or two forms each (only 2 verbs are known with more
irregularities than that.) The two verbs which are completely
irregular in their ablaut patterns are hiras 'go', and
satus 'be somewhere'.
- hiras 'go, walk'
- hiras 'Moderate Intensity'
- hëras 'Rapid Intensity'
- horas 'Slow Intensity'
- herën 'Active Participle'
- herët 'Passive Participle'
- satus 'be somewhere'
- satus 'Moderate Intensity'
- sitas 'Rapid Intensity'
- sytis 'Slow Intensity'
- seotan 'Active Participle'
- (lacking) 'Passive Participle'
Both hiras and satus are inflected in the
normal manner discussed below.
Feorran verbs inflect for Mode, Potentiality,
and Aspect. These three inflectional
categories conflate as a series of agglutinative suffixes in the
above order. With three exceptions, all of the inflections are
regular in their patterning.
Mode is the judgement of Realis/Irrealis. There are three
modes; Positive, Subjunctive, Negative.
Positive mode is a statement of fact, somewhat like Indicative
mood in western languages. Subjunctive mode is the statement of
uncertainty and is used for expressing doubt, questions, and
wishes. The Negative mode is the statement of certainty that the
action did not or will not occur.
Potentiality is the judgement of success or failure of the
action. There are three potentialities; Postpotential,
Potential, and Impotential. Postpotential is the
judgement that the action was successful and carried through to
its logical conclusion. Potential indicates the action might
still go either way. Impotential indicates failure.
Aspect indicates how complete the action is. There are three
aspects Preperfect, Imperfect, and Perfect.
Preperfect marks an action that is not yet begun. Imperfect
indicates one in progress. Perfect indicates a finished action.
Note that aspect is independent of tense which is indicated with
free particles.
Below are the inflectional morphemes for each class and
following is a table showing the actual patterns. Note that
Postpotential-Perfect is irregular in all modes.
- -(i)s- Positive Mode ([i] is required after consonant
final roots)
- -(i)t- Subjunctive Mode ([i] is required after
consonant final roots)
- -(i)th- Negative Mode ([i] is required after
consonant final roots)
- -i- Postpotential
- -e- Potential
- -u- Impotential
- -m- Preperfect Aspect
- -r- Imperfect Aspect
- -t- Perfect Aspect
Verb Inflection Marking
Positive |
Subjunctive |
Negative |
Post-Prep |
-sim |
-tim |
-thim |
Post-Impf |
-sir |
-tir |
-thir |
Post-Perf |
-(i)s |
-(i)t |
-(i)th |
Pot-Prep |
-sem |
-tem |
-them |
Pot-Impf |
-ser |
-ter |
-ther |
Pot-Perf |
-set |
-tet |
-thet |
Imp-Prep |
-sum |
-tum |
-thum |
Imp-Impf |
-sur |
-tur |
-thur |
Imp-Perf |
-sut |
-tut |
-thut |
The Feorran rule requiring the insertion of an epenthetic /i/
means that a certain amount of ambiguity arises with some verb
- hamis 'blame'
- purlis 'avoid'
- sôdhis 'believe'
- holekis 'sew'
- omtanis 'find, discover'
- qeboris 'die by falling into crevasse'
All informants agreed that the /i/ in the last three was
inserted epenthetically. Most informants believed that the /i/
in the first three was a part of the root. However, there was
some disagreement and an informant might accept one but not
another. In the attached lexicon, I have basically followed a
'majority rules' policy.
Some examples of verbs in sentences;
iu eomë- n tôta- s- u- t iu star
DET winddemon-Rel kill(rap.)-Pos-Imp-Pf DET shaman
'The winddemon tried very hard to kill the shaman but failed.'
eo rukan-an zuni-s- e- r kemi- mei
DET boy- Rel hunt-Pos-Pot-Ipf penguin-AbsPl
'The boy is hunting penguins (but hasn't gotten any yet).'
Most adverbs and adjectives are derived from
nominal or verb stems. Both are inflected for 3 grades,
basic, superior, and inferior. Basic grade
is the simple equational, X=Y. The superior implies either 'very
X' or, alternatively, 'more X' in comparison to something else
although the comparison is not always stated rather being left to
context. The inferior is similar but means 'less X' or 'not so
Qualifer Inflection Marking
Basic |
Superior |
Inferior |
Adjectives |
-au |
-oq |
-oz |
Adverbs |
-ai |
-iq |
-iz |
Both adverbs and adjectives insert an epenthetic [l] after
vocalic stems and before the inflection.
- borolau 'warm'
- boroloq 'more warm'
- boroloz 'less warm'
- hemau 'pretty'
- hemoq 'more pretty'
- hemoz 'less pretty'
- zelai 'rapid, fast'
- zeliq 'more rapid, fast'
- zeliz 'less rapid, fast'
- faqai 'happily'
- faqiq 'more happily'
- faqiz 'less happily'
Color Terms
Almost all Feorran color terms are derived from nominals by
means of the derivational suffix, [-jin]. Feorran only
has three natural color terms (all of which are abstract nouns);
- las 'red, blood colored'
- pak 'white, clear'
- tiuq 'black, dark'
- tëqzojin 'sky-colored, i.e. blue'
- leoqkejin 'sea-colored, i.e. blue-green'
- eoqkajin
'ornamental-feathers-on-an-Emperor-Penguin-colored, i.e.
Uninflected Word
Feorran has many types of Uninflected Words including
articles, determiners, prepositions, numerals, interjections,
modals, and natural adverbs.
Feorran has 2 definite articles, eo animate, and
iu inanimate. The indefinite article is lacking and the
meaning is communicated by simply leaving the slot empty in the
sentence structure.
eo sora-n teota-s kemi
DET man- Rel kill- PPP penguin
'the man killed a penguin'
eo sora-n teota-s eo kemi
DET man- Rel kill- PPP DET penguin
'the man killed the penguin'
Conjunctions join clauses and words together and to a certain
extent, indicate their relationships. In the list below, there
are 2 with very similar meanings, ma and eota. The
elderly tend to use them almost interchangeably but younger
speakers rarely use ma except with numbers.
- ata 'and, joining clauses or sentences'
- eota 'and, joining words (usually verbs or nouns)'
- uru 'neither, nor'
- ara 'or, either'
- so 'but'
- lo 'than'
- ro 'as'
- ki 'on account of'
- oq 'because'
- ëdau 'just like'
- arre 'switch reference'
- ma 'and, joining words (usually not verbs or nouns)'
- ja 'appositive, equals'
- qa 'in order that, so that'
Determiners roughly correspond to English
demonstrative pronouns. Unlike those of English, they can never
stand alone and must precede a noun. Feorran has several
demonstratives based in part upon distance from the speaker and
- de 'this near to me'
- qem 'that near to you'
- soq 'that near to him/her/it (proximate)'
- veo 'that near to him/her/it (obviative)'
- upe 'that near the water's edge'
- iuka 'that in the water/ocean'
- la 'that not in sight'
- ska 'that in the interior/landwards'
Some examples.
iuka liuka- n kene-s upe kemi
DET leopard_seal-Rel see- PPP DET penguin
That leopard seal in the water saw the penguin near the water's
Feorran has a large number of interjections as well as
mechanisms for forming new ones. In common with many, perhaps
all, Antarctic Languages (cf. Fondren 1977:129), Feorran has a
rich set of ideophones . The latter are most
often formed by adding a special derivational morpheme,
wät to a verb or nominal root. A few ideophones
appear to be non-derived or derived from wät and
unknown root. Ideophones in general serve as a sort of verbal
exclamation or reinforcement by which the speaker conveys a
meaning that may be crudely summarized as 'just like the
taste/sound/smell/texture/etc. of'. The list of interjections
below is not exhaustive but includes the most common.
- heo 'oh!, exclamation of surprise'
- wiu 'pity for hardships endured'
- hô 'hello!, calling'
- jau 'pain, regret, sorrow'
- sä 'suprise at the success of an action'
- ky 'disgust'
- tô 'disapproval'
- je 'now I understand!'
- utô 'contemptuous rejection of an offer'
- soso 'derisive rejection of a remark'
- iwe 'ridicule, disbelief'
- unu 'derision for weakness'
- tiske 'reproach of foolishness'
- yqëq 'anger'
- aki 'that is nothing!'
- ëste 'good!'
- jaje 'good-bye, parting'
- nypë 'thanks'
- kôsau 'noise of skua'
- fuwät 'sound of whale spouting'
- liwät 'texture of fresh blubber'
- huhuwät 'howling of wind'
- hôhô 'call of snow demon'
- sysy 'silence!, hush!'
- pse 'well!, introducing a new idea or changing
- meja 'please, pleading'
- ta 'look out, warning, admonitive'
- owa 'yes'
- kai 'no'
- eohe 'alas'
Modals are auxilliaries that clarify verbs.
- zai 'whether, if, interrogative'
- beo 'imperative'
- ëppe 'please, request'
- kali 'let, exhortative'
- hainte 'must'
- iv 'hardly, barely'
- ze 'again, repeatedly'
- tai 'ought'
- yrte 'stop'
- ra 'cause to'
Natural Adverbs
The term Natural Adverb refers to those adverbs not
derived from verb or nominal roots. These include Adverbs of
Degree, Place, and Time.
Adverbs of Degree
- li 'almost'
- ti 'also'
- sa 'enough'
- is 'even'
- ym 'halfheartedly'
- adh 'a little'
- eom 'quite or barely enough'
- qy 'so'
- eoziu 'too much'
- tho 'very'
Adverbs of Location
- aq 'here (near me)'
- wi 'there (near you)'
- ve 'there (near him/her {3rd}'
- jä 'there (near him/her {4th}'
- ëpiu 'far'
- ika 'near'
- ëz 'forwards'?
- yq 'backwards'?
Natural Adverbs of Time
- to 'formerly'
- siu 'afterwards, subsequently, then, since'
- wo 'always'
- jemu 'morning, early in waking cycle'
- sô 'ever'
- hä 'before (in time)'
- thy 'yet, still'
- fa 'hereafter, after this'
- weo 'for a long time'
- thë 'lately'
- aun 'never'
- da 'now'
- ëdh 'at once, immediately'
- qo 'soon'
- gä 'during, in/on time, while'
- om 'again'
- sei 'tomorrow (next waking period)'
- nau 'tonight (next sleeping period)'
- ir 'midday (middle of next waking period'
- ët 'next darkness'
- ais 'next light'
- sau 'later'
- yre 'once upon a time, narrative, mythical time'
- feo 'today, this waking period'
- po 'last waking period, yesterday'
- yr 'last sleeping period, last night'
- kô 'X times', used with numerals to indicate
Prepositions include those particles associated with defining
spatial relations and certain syntactic relations such as
indirect object, beneficiary and so on.
Prepositions of Space
- fu 'above'
- eta 'around, encircling'
- na 'at'
- uz 'at angle to'
- he 'before, in front of'
- unu 'behind'
- ju 'below'
- ho 'beside, next to, along, with'
- ëka 'beyond'
- tä 'down, downwards'
- wei 'downcoast' (to the left when facing the sea)
- hi 'from'
- apa 'in, inside'
- mo 'in a structure'
- ëpo 'inland'
- ama 'left of'
- at 'off'
- pi 'on, atop'
- iru 'on the ground, ice'
- bô 'opposite of'
- yde 'outside of'
- në 'over'
- osu 'right of'
- re 'seawards'
- ura 'through, between, among'
- vu 'to, towards'
- fo 'up, upwards'
- ôle 'upcoast' (to the right when facing the
Syntactic Prepositions
- mau 'about, concerning'
- mu 'by means of'
- zu 'to (indirect object)'
- dhau 'for (beneficiary)'
Prepositions may form occur in pairs, rarely in groups of
three. Some examples;
- pi fu 'on top of'
- yde hi 'out from'
- apa hi 'in from'
- yde vu 'out to'
- apa vu 'in to'
- apa mo 'into a structure'
- ama vu 'to the left of'
- osu vu 'to the right of'
The Feorran numeral system is a blend of a decimal and an
older quinary system which may have been the Proto-Antarctic
number system (Burrows 1938:77). During my fieldwork it became
clear that many people did not have a real grasp of numbers much
over 100 and the word for '1000' is used to imply a notion along
the lines of 'countless X'. However, several informants were
quick to supply the correct meaning and were readily able to
explain the concept of 1000.
- se 'one'
- mi 'two'
- ela 'three'
- ytu 'four'
- be 'five'
- bëse 'six'
- bëmi 'seven'
- bëla 'eight'
- vô 'nine'
- kiu 'ten'
- sëq 'hundred'
- asräm 'thousand'
Multiples of kiu and sëq are formed by
preceding the base unit by the number of units;
- vô kiu '90'
- mi kiu '20'
- ela sëq '300'
Complex numbers are formed by inserting ma between the
- kiu ma be '15'
- mi kiu ma ytu '24'
- ela sëq bëse kiu ma bëla '368'
Collective nouns are formed from numerals by means of the
nominal derivational suffix fan. All collective nouns are
- mifan 'pair, couple'
- kiufan 'group of ten'
- befan 'group of 5'
Adverbial uses of numerals are indicated by a the particle
- se kô 'once'
- mi kô 'twice'
- bëse kô '6 times'
The standard word order is S-V-O-iO. This order is normally
used in all declarative.
eo lisa-n rega-s eo seken zu eo sora-lo
DET girl-Rel give-PPP DET bone_knife PREP DET man- Pre
'The girl gave the bone-knife to the man'
A NP consists minimally of a single nominal. It may also
include DET and Adjectives.
A VP consists minimally of a single verb. It may also include
a MDL and an Adverb. MDL Adv Vb is the correct order for a
maximal VP. Note that the VP is not considered to include object
and indirect object NPs.
Adjective precedes and is placed between a noun and its DET
(if any.)
DET precedes a noun and its adjectives (if any.)
Possessor precedes possessive
dhe ja no-q biti
it CON 1s-Pos awl
'It is my awl.'
Interrogative sentences are formed in three different
Those where the action is not in question but the actor is
unknown, use gë- 'what?'.
gë- mërëk- an omtan- i-s eo lisa
COR- person-Rel discover-E-PPP DET girl
Who discovered the girl?
Those where the actor is not in question or at least not the
focus of the question, rather the action itself is the focus,
i.e., did it occur? Note the use of the Subjunctive mode with
the interrogative. This is the most common form but is not
obligatory, the other modes may be used to shade the meaning.
eo rukan-an zai kene-t soq kemi
DET boy- Rel MDL see- SPP DET penguin
'Did the boy see that penguin?'
Tag-like questions for reconfirmation of suspicions, guesses,
pa zai jonde-tim owa
you MDL fall- SPP yes
You fell didn't you?
Imperative fronting is the term used to indicate that
certain modals used in imperative constructions trigger the
movement of the verb to the left of the
subject. The modals beo 'imperative', kali 'let,
exhortative', yrte 'stop', and hainte 'must', are
the four which trigger imperative fronting and they occur in the
leftmost position. Subjunctive, Potential, Preperfective is the
most common inflection set for verbs in imperative constructions.
Note that imperative constructions are not limited to second
person actors.
beo teota-t- e- m pa-n eo kemi
MDL kill- Sbj-Pot-Ppf 2s-Rel DET penguin
'Kill the penguin'
Non-fronted imperative constructions occur which
are identical to simple declarative sentences except for voice
intonation. These forms are considered inappropriate except when
speaking to children.
pa-n sita- s- i- m na aq
2s-Rel be_sw(R)-Pos-Pst-Ppf PREP here
You will stay here!
Prepositional phrases consist obligatorily, of a
preposition and a noun in the Prepositional case. DET is
optional. Prepositions precede the NP.
eo repnu satu- s- i- r mo iu gëspu-lo
DET hide_scraper be_sw-Pos-Pst-Imp PREP DET lodge-Pre
'The hide-scraper is in the stonelodge.'
Equational sentences are formed with ja which in
some contexts is close to English is, be, etc.
dhe ja sora
3sa CON man
'He is a man.'
Works Cited
Anderson, Greg. 1992. The Languages of Antarctica:
Classification and Reconstruction of the Phonological
Systems. Northern Indiana University Ph.D. dissertation.
-----. 1995. Reduplication in Penninsular Antarctic Languages
in Linguistic Studies in Honor of William Q.
Burrows, pp.405-426. Mary Swinson (ed.) Northern Indiana
University Press:Fort Wayne, Ind.
Burrows, William Q. 1953. Last Words of Three Antarctic
Languages. Lingua Australis 12:34-39.
-----. 1940. A Grammar of Jalel. Oxbridgee University Press:
London and New York.
-----. 1938. Number Systems of Five Antarcctic Languages.
Antarctic Studies 8/2:77-102.
Fondren, Deborah J. 1977. Ideophones in Queen Maudland
Antarctic Languages. Lingua Australis 36:89-110.
Fubuki, A. 1982. Vocalic Harmony Systems of Eastern Antarctic
Languages. Lingua Australis 41:34-67.
Gleach, Frederic. W. 1994. Native Peoples of Antarctica.
Hoyt-Ross Books, Inc.:Boston.
Moriarity, Glenda. 1962. Pronouns of Feorran. Antarctic
Studies 32/2:37-53.
Swinson, Mary. 1981. Fission-Fusion Societies and the
Suppression of Linguistic Drift in Antarctic Languages.
Antarctic Studies 51/1:1-47.
-----. 1967. A Comparative Study of Antarcctic Personal
Pronouns. Lingua Australis 26: 107-145.
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Revised August 29, 2001